Dalia Ceja

Dalia Ceja is a Latina in love with sharing lifestyle tips and trends focused on fashion, travel, food, drinks and fiestas.


Eat, Drink and Be Thankful

Food & DrinkDalia CejaComment

Thanksgiving is here and I feel so grateful and blessed to be surrounded by many festive traditions that require lots of eating and drinking throughout the week. Having grown up in a Mexican-American household, my family has always enjoyed a diverse menu integrating traditional American Thanksgiving dishes with authentic Mexican cuisine. 

Funny enough, my least favorite part of the Thanksgiving feast is the turkey. That's right, I said turkey. So sue me. However, when it comes to the sides I simply can't get enough! From the cornbread stuffing to the garlic mash potatoes to the baked Brussels sprouts with bacon and rosemary. Oy vey, I can go on and on! On the other side of the spectrum, some of my favorite authentic Mexican dishes include: chicken pozole, Mole poblano and a cóctel de camarones (shrimp cocktail) that my tia makes. Two completely different cultures, cuisines and traditions combined in one. I love it. 

dalia-amelia-grandmother-cooking-three-generations- Eat-Drink-and-Be-Thankful

This past month we hosted an intimate post-harvest dinner party at our Napa estate. We made birria (braised goat stew), cilantro infused rice, vegetable escabeche (pickled salad) and grilled peaches for dessert. I'm getting hungry just looking at the pictures! Cooking, eating and sharing recipes is a way of life for my family and there is nothing more special than food and wine bringing people together. I'm thankful everyday to be surrounded by such passionate foodies who find peace, relaxation and happiness through the art of cooking and feeding others. As my abuelita always says, "the window to your soul is feeling happiness in your belly." Cheers to that! 

Images via Jon McPherson | www.JonFromNapa.com


Give Thanks

Fiestas, Food & DrinkComment

Last night's Thanksgiving feast was decadent and delicious. It was so heartwarming to enjoy the company and conversation of 20 of my closest family members and friends. We did something a bit differently this year and went around our huge “Kings” table and asked everyone to say what they are thankful for. It got me thinking about all the things I’m thankful for in my life {especially today}.

Here’s a random list of little things I'm thankful for today:

Cameras My immediate family Skype Best friends *Best friend's new baby girl Adam My Mama Juanita’s Mexican hot chocolate My abuelitos Colorful leaves Feather down comforter Napa on ice {ice-skating!} Ugly sweater parties Dulce {our vineyard cat} Puss Puss {our cat} Laughing Kisses My cruiser bike Pandora Cuddling Dancing Books Movies {Breaking Dawn!} Fro-yo Sweater dresses Dresses Mac book pro Crisp mornings The color yellow Wine Tea {Jasmine + Earl Grey} Supportive, motivating & inspiring people Being able to travel the world Living my passions…

Image via


What random little things are you thankful for?

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I can’t wait to have some leftover stuffing and pumpkin pie for breakfast. 

P.s. This weekend my housemates & I are throwing an Ugly Sweater Party! I'm so excited and can't wait to share pictures next week. Ole!

[typography font="Homemade Apple" size="22" size_format="px"]Have a great weekend! [/typography]