Dalia Ceja

Dalia Ceja is a Latina in love with sharing lifestyle tips and trends focused on fashion, travel, food, drinks and fiestas.

extreme sports

Argentina from 16,000 Feet

Travel4 Comments

I recently came across this video of me skydiving in Argentina and thought I must share!

Cordoba is one of the places we visited while backpacking around Argentina. It's a beautiful city and is primarily known for its university life. It hosts six universities and students from all provinces and neighboring countries come to Cordoba to study {and to party}. This is also the place were I did my first skydive! After a night of enjoying an amazing Asado {Argentinean BBQ}, my best friend and I decided to go skydiving. It doesn’t really get more epic than that.

Looking back, I never really thought that I would be someone who would jump out of an airplane. I mean, not really. It took a little coaxing from my friend Katie, who was totally thrilled and unfazed about this extreme sport involving airplanes and high altitudes. Was I scared, nervous and doubting myself? Absolutely.

My nerves were sky high by the time I was walking up to the small charter airplane. Together with my instructor, the pilot and a cameraman, we climbed in, all geared up and ready to go. I will never forget that moment when the instructor opened the door of the plane and I looked down over the smallest Cordoba I had ever seen, a complete adrenaline rush! A strange mix of fear and excitement soon turned into this overwhelming feeling of joy as I jumped and floated through the air!

Overall, the experience was amazing and the crew was really friendly and professional. The total cost to jump was $150 including pictures and an awesome video {with the coolest background music ever!}. This was also a perfect reminder for me to live my passions and to challenge myself to overcome my fear of heights!

Have you ever done something that you were absolutely scared to do? Ole!