Dalia Ceja

Dalia Ceja is a Latina in love with sharing lifestyle tips and trends focused on fashion, travel, food, drinks and fiestas.

Happy Birthday

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words...

Fashion, Food & Drink1 Comment
Mi madre - Amelia Ceja

Mi madre - Amelia Ceja

If a picture is worth a thousand words then family is worth 10 million…

I dedicate this post to my mom, Amelia Ceja. Today happens to be her birthday and in honor of her special day I want to take a moment to celebrate her achievements and recognize a very inspiring individual who has not only made an impact in my life but also in the thriving wine industry.

This past week proved to be very exciting! My mom, our family and our business, Ceja Vineyards, were featured on NBCs Today Show {watch the segment HERE}! The interview captured the essence of my mother’s voice, representing a Latina woman that went from ex-immigrant to vineyard worker, to winery owner. I am proud of what she and my entire family have accomplished. We are not perfect. We have our own challenges but as a family we make it work and want to leave behind a legacy that through hard work, sacrifice, passion and dedication, anything is possible.

Photographer, Norma Quintana, took these portraits of my family in 2005. We were honored to have been part of a photo series she shot, titled, Forget Me Not/No Me Olvides.

Back in the day - age 20

Back in the day - age 20

Sr. Pablo and dad Pedro Ceja

Sr. Pablo and dad Pedro Ceja

My Abuelita - Mama Juanita

My Abuelita - Mama Juanita

Uncle - Armando Ceja

Uncle - Armando Ceja

{My bro, musician - Navek Ceja}

{My bro, musician - Navek Ceja}

Happy Birthday Mom! Te quiero muchisimo.

Feliz Cumpleaños Mamacita!

Fiestas1 Comment
DaliaAmeliaStoryboardFull copy
DaliaAmeliaStoryboardFull copy

[typography font="Calligraffitti" size="27" size_format="px"]Today is the birthday of my beautiful mom, Amelia Ceja![/typography]

This past Sunday we hosted a big Gemini fiesta for my mom and for all of the other June birthdays. The weather cooperated with a warm and breezy day, making it a memorable birthday celebration. We feasted on Paella, vino and a delicious Tres Leches cake {my favorite!}. It was wonderful to see so many good friends and family come out to celebrate my mom, who is such a special woman. 

She might only be 5 feet tall but she has a personality as big as a giant! She has a heart of gold and nonstop energy that fills a room with contagious excitement and warmth. I would call her a woman of movement, a woman of passion and a woman with BIG dreams. Over the past few years it’s been quite evident that she has been a mover and shaker in our family and in our family business. I’m so inspired by her everyday and am grateful to have such a wonderful mentor in my life.


{I love this black & white portrait of my mom}


A few years ago Luis Miguel visited our tasting room {for those of you who don’t know him, he’s like the Elvis of Mexico}. Women swoon over him and men are envious of his singing talent. In Mexico, it’s customary to be woken up in the early morning hours serenaded by family and friends to Las Mañanitas {the Mexican morning birthday song}. Mom, if I could, I would have Luis Miguel serenade you to the Las Mañanitas song! Here’s to wishing you the happiest of birthdays!!!

Te quiero muchisimo. Besos y abrazos.
